Because our fave venue at allsaints Event Space is being used as a film location for several weeks, the Tuesday Milonga is following a modified schedule.
July 16 and 30, and August 27:
We will be hosting a fun, intimate milonga at Bistro Alégria on:
July 16 (6:30 – 10:30 PM)
July 30 (doors open at 6:30 PM, music goes from 7 – 11 PM)
August 27 (doors open at 6:30 PM, music goes from 7 – 11 PM)
Parking: At 15 Leduc Street behind Bistro Alégria. Free after 5:00 PM Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.
There will be tapas for sale, and the bar is open. Come dance with us after work in Gatineau this month!
July 23:
We are offering a special workshop on Back Sacadas:
When: 7:00 – 8:15 PM
Where: 235 Montreal Road
How much: $25 per person
Space for 3 to 4 couples max. Please contact Francis to reserve your spot soon.
August 6, 13, and 20:
It’s time to bring tango back to the Byward Market. We’ll be at Alpha Art Gallery (531 Sussex Drive), from 7:30 to 11:00 PM. Cover is $10 / $8 for full-time university students.
Special Request
Please enter Alpha through the rear entrance, which you can access by taking Clarendon Lane and passing through the courtyard shared by different restaurants. You will see a sitting area where you can change your shoes and place your bags.