Sunday Classes

All Sunday Classes take place at 61 Main Street.


Tango 101
Sundays from 1:00 to 2:30 PM
January 26; February 2, 9, 23; March 2

Your first tango classes will give you the foundations for exploring this creative, improvisational social dance. You will learn:

  • How to create a great tango embrace
  • Your first figures
  • A brief bit about this history of tango and its cultural context
  • How to be a good tango citizen!

All students will learn both roles from the beginning.

$125 per person, includes entrance to our Sunday Práctica
As this is a progressive class, no drop-ins permitted.

Register here.

Tango 102
Sundays from 1:00 to 2:30 PM
March 9, 16, 23, 30; April 6, 13

You’ll learn:

  • cross system vs. parallel system
  • how to create ochos and simple paradas

$150 per person, includes entrance to our Sunday Práctica
As this is a progressive class, no drop-ins permitted.
Pre-requisite: Tango 101

Register here.


Improver Class (Pivots, Milonga, and Vals)
Sundays, 2:30 – 4:00 PM
January 19, 26; February 2, 9, 23; March 2

We will be covering back ochos and full turns, which are the fundamentals of salon tango. We will also cover the basics of milonga and vals. These classes will be technique-heavy, making them ideal for all levels of dancer.

Pre-requisite: Completed Tango 101 in 2024

Price: $150 per person. Your class fees include the práctica at 5 PM.
(Special pricing for those adding this as an additional class.)

Register here.

Intro to the In-Between
Sundays, 2:30 – 4:00 PM
March 16, 23, 30; April 6, 13

We will expand your vocabulary by introducing the most basic ganchos, barridas, and sacadas. Challenging for those newer to tango, super helpful for intermediates, and an opportunity to examine details for more experienced dancers.

Pre-requisite: At least 1 previous session of 2:30 PM Classes

Price: $125 per person. Your class fees include the práctica at 5 PM.
(Special pricing for those adding this as an additional class.)

Register here.


Up-level Your Milonga
Sundays, 4:00 to 5:15 PM
January 19, 26

Feel the flow and integrate traspie and turns into your milonga. We will also focus on musicality and ease of movement.

Pre-requisite: A few sessions of basic milonga classes

Price: $50 per person. Your class fees include the práctica at 5 PM.

Register here.

Sundays, 4:00 to 5:15 PM
February 2, 9

Improve the quality of your barridas and arrastres; find opportunities in unexpected places. This will also include some review of recent barrida workshops.

Pre-requisite: Int-adv level, basic barrida knowledge or previous barrida workshops

Price: $50 per person. Your class fees include the práctica at 5 PM.

Register here.

Sundays, 4:00 to 5:15 PM
February 23, March 2

There is more to boleos besides large movements and big accents. We will focus on the freedom of the free leg. This will also include some review of recent boleo workshops.

Pre-requisite: Int-adv level, basic boleo knowledge or previous boleo workshops

Price: $50 per person. Your class fees include the práctica at 5 PM.

Register here.