There will be a big change coming soon in brigitte and Francis’ lives. Here’s a message from Francis about their decision and the future of Siempre Tango.
brigitte and I are moving to Montreal in December 2019 to open the Montreal School of the Alexander Technique. The upcoming Fall Session will be our last at Siempre Tango.
The Ottawa School of the Alexander Technique has been operating at full capacity since its opening in 2014. Over the last two years, we’ve received more and more requests from prospective students in Montreal, Toronto, and other bigger cities. Unfortunately, not many of these prospects are willing to relocate to Ottawa for the 3-year training program.
brigitte and I both love Ottawa, but because our main interest is now the training program, we made the difficult decision to move the Ottawa School to Montreal. brigitte will continue as the director and head teacher of the Montreal School of the Alexander Technique, and I will become an assistant teacher and administrator.
Regarding our tango journey, Siempre Tango is celebrating its 21st anniversary this year. I couldn’t have reached this milestone alone.
It’s been a great pleasure having my wife brigitte at my side for all these years, building and growing the Ottawa tango community in all its diversity.
We are deeply grateful to Mary Ellen for being our rock since Siempre’s beginnings and to Marcel who established the tango community in Ottawa and who later joined forces with us. We thank those who have helped us along the way either by teaching with us – especially Michael Delman, Robert Gatien and Daniel Marcoux – or by setting up and taking down the many rooms in which we have celebrated our community.
I’d like to bring special attention to all the work that’s been done by Jewel since she joined us. She’s an effective teacher and a talented dancer, and she’s outstanding when it comes to reaching out to people about tango.
We thank the Ottawa tango community for all the adventures and emotions that have bound us, and allowed us all to grow together as we shared our vision of this special dance.The individual way every milonguero / milonguera dances, the music that inspires us to move, and the personal connections that we establish – these have always been what we value most. These values are why brigitte and I never imposed a certain style on our students. We’ve always preferred that people become the dancers they are.
It was never my intention to teach tango forever, but for Siempre Tango to continue, I wanted to choose people who share our idea that tango is ultimately a reflection of who we are. I’m happy to say that Siempre will continue to grow in the capable hands of Jewel, Marcel, Robert, and Isabelle – an excellent team who will carry on the good work after our departure. We look forward to seeing Siempre Tango evolve in the years to come!
brigitte and I will be coming back to Ottawa often because she and I, as her assistant, will be teaching Alexander Technique classes at the University of Ottawa’s new Musicians’ Wellness Centre. So we are really saying “See you later” and not “Goodbye.”
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me. I look forward to seeing each of you this fall.