Coming soon in November and December 2018…

Tomás Howlin is coming to Ottawa soon. Register today! 

Early Bird deadline for Tomás Howlin’s workshops is on Sunday, November 25th. Pre-register and pre-pay at the Tuesday Milonga to reserve your spot. For full details and pricing, visit our the event page.

This November:

  • Current students: If you plan on continuing classes next session, please let Francis know.
  • Don’t forget that the Tuesday Milonga is free for all Tango 1 students until November 27th.
  • A reminder: A milonga is like a beloved pet. If you want it to stay alive, you must feed it regularly!

This December: 

  • Sunday, December 2 at 6:00 PM: Tango Endings
    An all-levels workshop. Explore ideas for nailing those endings musically. Special end-of-year pricing! Workshop only: $15. Workshop + práctica: $20.
  • Tuesday, December 4 at 7:00 PM: La Milonga Primera
    For those who have completed Tango 1, 2, or 3, but haven’t felt “ready enough” to come to the Tuesday Milonga. For more details, click here.
  • Tuesday, December 4 at 8:00 PM: The Snow Ball 
    Food and warm tandas to start the holiday season. Dress to impress. Stella from Montreal will be there with gorgeous tango shoes and clothes. Advanced tickets for $15 until November 27. $20 after the 27th.
  • Tuesday, December 18 at 8:00 PM: Bytown Tango Band
    Advanced tickets will be sold for $15 until December 11. $20 after the 11th. $5 for non-dancers. Message us for more details.

We look forward to seeing all of you soon!

October 2018 Highlights: Two new Mini-Sessions and a Halloween Milonga!

“Follower’s Technique and Adornos” starts  October 3.

Class takes place at De la Salle Secondary (501 Old St. Patrick) from 8:00 to 9:30 PM. Bring flats AND heels!

Details here »


No Práctica on Sunday, October 7.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Weekend!

See our calendar of events »


“Musicality 2” begins on Sunday, October 28.

We’ll talk about using changes in intensity, dynamics, and movement quality to have a more “co-creative” dance.

Register today »


We’ll be having our Halloween Milonga on Tuesday, October 30. 

  • We’ll start at 8:00 PM and go all the way until midnight.
  • Light finger foods and sweet treats will be provided.
  • Although costumes aren’t obligatory, don’t miss your chance to win the prize for Best Costume!
  • Cover will be $15.

Any questions? Contact us today!

Ottawa Welcomes the Redwood Tango Trio on Wednesday, August 29th.

Siempre Tango Ottawa is proud to host the Redwood Tango Trio on Wednesday, August 29th, at 8:00 PM.

(Yes – we’re moving our Milonga to WEDNESDAY for one week only.)

They’re on tour to support their latest album, Prizefighter. The Trio is comprised of core members of the Redwood Tango Ensemble, the North American sextet known for powerful stage performances and innovative original tango music. You might remember them from their 2013 show in Ottawa. We look forward to enjoying their signature, danceable style once again!


8:00 PM – Dancing starts with DJ Jewel
9:00 – 9:45 PM – Redwood Tango Trio’s first set
10:15 – 11:00 PM – RTT’s second set
Dancing continues until midnight.


For tango dancers: $20 at the door.
For music lovers / Non-dancers: $10 per person.

Special features:

  • Snack potluck to say goodbye to two of our community members. If you would like to contribute, please contact us.
  • There will be a cash bar that will serve drinks from 8:30 to 11:00 PM (last call). You will be able to take your drinks into Bate Hall.

Questions and reservations:

Please email Francis Caron at

Siempre Tango moves to La Nouvelle Scène for one night only. Come join us!

The Payadora Tango Ensemble will perform tomorrow night (August 7) as part of Ottawa Chamberfest.

Our weekly milonga will take place just before the performance!

Where: The milonga and Payadora’s performance will take place at La Nouvelle Scène, 333 King Edward Avenue. The dance floor will be in the Bistro Marcil Lavallée, next to the box office.

When: 7:30 – 10:00 PM

Price: $10 per person

Drinks: Bar service will begin at 8:00 PM.

Parking: There is free on-street parking in Lowertown or Sandy Hill, so plan accordingly. There is also limited pay-and-display on-site parking nearby:

  • On King Edward beside La Nouvelle Scène
  • At the corner of Besserer and King Edward
  • At the corner of King Edward and Rideau

We hope you will be able to stay for Payadora’s performance at 10:00 PM.

Be sure to spread the word!

August 2018 is the Month of the Milonga!

We’re making August a memorable month, with special events every single week. Read on to find out more. 

August 7: Pre-Show Milonga at La Nouvelle Scène.

Siempre Tango’s 20th Anniversary: Celebrate with Us!

This year, Siempre Tango is turning 20.

Our school would never have lasted were it not for the support of the Ottawa tango community. So, we’ve been preparing events that we hope everyone will enjoy.

July 17-18: Paloma Berríos and Maximiliano Alvarado
(Update: It was enjoyed by all!)

We were so lucky to have these world-renowned teachers visit Ottawa. We look forward to seeing them again next time! You can see their Ottawa performances on their YouTube channel.

August 7: A Special “Pre-Show” Milonga at la Nouvelle Scène

Our Tuesday Milonga is moving for one night only to La Nouvelle Scène, Ottawa’s francophone theatre.

Why? The Payadora Tango Ensemble, featuring Drew Jurecka, is performing as part of Chamberfest. Their performance starts at 10:00 PM. As a special treat, we’re holding our weekly milonga beforehand at the venue. 
More details to come.

August 21: Let’s Dance the Cortinas!

Back by popular demand: Jewel will play danceable cortinas at this playful summer milonga.

August 29: The Redwood Tango Ensemble

We’re happy to be hosting this wonderful tango orchestra once again.

Sometime in October: “The Big Event”

(Update: We’re moving this to 2019!)

We’re going to throw an anniversary party, and it will be big. Details to come.

December 7-9: Tomás Howlin

Our favourite guest teacher returns to Ottawa for his annual visit.

April 26-28, 2019: Micaela Colleen Barrett and Alberto Ramos 

We’re excited that Robert is bringing this musical couple to Ottawa next spring.

Be sure to save the dates. We hope you can join us to celebrate our 20th anniversary!

A Special Summer Offer for Beginners, starting June 24th

Our next session of Tango 1 for absolute beginners starts June 24.

In this six-class series, we’ll touch on fundamentals for beginners to Argentine Tango – the embrace, leader-follower connection, basic walking, the cross, and ochos.

But we’re offering something SPECIAL for Summer 2018:

The cost includes the class AND a 1-hour guided practice during the práctica right after class. Also, you will get free entrance to our Tuesday Milonga (dance social) for the duration of your Tango 1 course.

6 classes + 6 prácticas + 7 milongas for one low price.

Don’t miss out!

Pre-registration is required so we can have equal numbers of leaders and followers. Email Francis to register at

Class: 6:00 to 7:00 PM on June 24, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29, and August 12
Práctica: 7:00 to 8:00 PM on Sunday right after your class (After 8 PM, you’re free to stay for the rest of the práctica)
Milonga: Tuesdays from 8:30 PM to Midnight

Cost: $120 per person or $110 for full-time university students (HST included)

Nous offrirons des cours d’essais gratuits ce mois-ci.

Dans l’attente de notre session de printemps, nous offrirons des cours d’essais gratuits les 25 et 27 mars ainsi que le 3 avril.

Voici les informations:

  • Lieu: 317 rue Chapel / 10 avenue Blackburn (2 différentes entrées)
  • 1ère option: Dimanche le 25 mars à 18 H 15
    2e option: Mardi le 27 mars à 19 H
    3e option: Mardi le 3 avril à 19 H
  • Vous n’avez pas besoin de partenaire.
  • SVP, réservez votre place en nous écrivant au
  • Assurez-vous d’apporter une paire de souliers secs (souliers d’intérieurs) qui vous permettra de pivoter.

Nous espérons voir beaucoup de nouveaux visages.

Si vous dansez déjà le tango à Ottawa, faites votre part pour grossir la communauté de tango d’Ottawa. SVP, invitez autant de personne que vous pouvez. L’épanouissement de notre communauté de tango dépend de notre enthousiasme!

We’re holding free trial classes this month!

In anticipation of our Spring 2018 Session, we’ll be offering three free trial classes on March 25, March 27, and April 3.

Here’s the information:

  • Venue: 317 Chapel Street / 10 Blackburn Avenue (2 different entrances)
  • Option 1: Sunday, March 25 at 6:15 PM
    Option 2: Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 PM
    Option 3: Tuesday, April 3 at 7:00 PM
  • No partner necessary.
  • Please reserve your spot by emailing
  • Wear indoor (clean!) shoes that are easier to slide in. If you have dance shoes already, great. Rubber soles aren’t recommended.

We hope to see many new faces.

If you dance tango in ottawa already, do your part to grow the Ottawa tango community. Please invite as many people as you can. Our growing tango community depends on your enthusiasm!

Siempre Tango vous souhaite un joyeux Temps des Fêtes!

Nous espérons vous voir sur la piste de danse pendant la période des fêtes.

Mardi le 26 décembre: Nous aurons une milonga  du 26 décembre de 20 H 30 à minuit

Dimanche le 31 décembre: Célébrer l’arrivé de 2018 avec nous us! Notre Milonga de la vieille du jour de l’an aura lieu de 20 H 30 à 24 H 30. Des billets sont présentement en vente pour 15 $.

Mardi le 2 janvier: Il y aura un cours d’essai gratuit à 19 h 15 avant notre première milonga de 2018. SVP, aidez vos amis à découvrir le tango pour la nouvelle année.

Et après la période des fêtes…
Notre session d’hiver débutera le dimanche 7 janvier. Vous pouvez

voir l’horaire ici. Assurez-vous de réserver votre place le plus tôt possible.

Nous vous souhaitez, à vous et vos proches, un joyeux temps des fêtes et une bonne nouvelle année!